Sign and Broadcast a Transaction

Signing and broadcasting a transaction is about authorising a transfer of funds or interaction with a smart contract and then sending that authorisation to the blockchain to be processed.

// Import the necessary library and initialize the SDK
import { TronWalletProvider } from '@tatumio/tron-wallet-provider';
import { TatumSDK, Network, Tron } from '@tatumio/tatum';

const tatumSdk = await TatumSDK.init<Tron>({network: Network.TRON,
     configureWalletProviders: [

// Define your transaction details
const payloadTron = {
  privateKey: 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY',
  amount: '0.01'  // TRX_AMOUNT

// Sign and broadcast the transaction using the Tron Wallet Provider submodule
const txHash = await tatumSdk.walletProvider.use(TronWalletProvider)

// This will print the transaction hash of the broadcasted transaction

await tatum.destroy();
// Import the necessary library and initialize the SDK
import { TronWalletProvider } from '@tatumio/tron-wallet-provider';
import { TatumSDK, Network, Tron } from '@tatumio/tatum';

const tatumSdk = await TatumSDK.init<Tron>({network: Network.TRON,
     configureWalletProviders: [

// Define your transaction details
const payloadTron = {
  privateKey: 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY',
  amount: '0.01'  // TRX_AMOUNT

// Sign and broadcast the transaction using the Tron Wallet Provider submodule
const txHash = await tatumSdk.walletProvider.use(TronWalletProvider)

// This will print the transaction hash of the broadcasted transaction

await tatum.destroy();