EVM - Create a NFT Collection (REST API)

To mint an NFT you need a Collection to which said NFT must belong. To create your own NFT Collection, you have to deploy your own SmartContract.


The following steps and examples are based on Celo Alfajores (testnet).

Creating an NFT Collection

  1. Select the network where the NFTs will exist.
  2. Have ready an address with its privatekey with native assets. Required to pay for the SmartContract deployment.
  3. Pick on a "name" and "symbol" for your collection.
  4. Deploy the NFT SmartContract to get your Collection.
  5. Add a Tatum Minter address (Optional)
    1. If a Minter address is added to the Collection SmartContract, Tatum pays on your behalf. Your account will be charged accordingly.


Step_1: Estimate the Gas Fees to create a NFT Collection

Example request:

curl --location 'https://api.tatum.io/v3/blockchain/estimate' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{
  "chain": "CELO",
  "type": "DEPLOY_NFT",
  "sender": "0x09C3B8CCaDe2c55b0C7cf696fe0Bd135716e6911"
    "gasLimit": 6000000,
    "gasPrice": 15

Step_2: Check the current "nonce" value from the sender's address

Find more about the nonce in the following article.

Example request:

curl --location 'https://api.tatum.io/v3/celo/transaction/count/0x09C3B8CCaDe2c55b0C7cf696fe0Bd135716e6911' \
--header 'x-api-key: {Mainnet_API_KEY}'
0 // Current nonce value in decimals

Step_3: Deploy the SmartContract to create a NFT Collection

Example request:

curl --location 'https://api.tatum.io/v3/nft/deploy' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{
    "chain": "CELO",
    "name": "NFT on Celo Test Collection",
    "symbol": "NCTC",
    "feeCurrency": "CELO",
    "nonce": 0,
    "fee": {
        "gasPrice": "15",
        "gasLimit": "6000000"
    "fromPrivateKey": "####"
    "txId": "0xa3ed3b9d2686dad28e93bbad6df37fc38430ecd8c0b49aceef787d33a9a6edcd"


Find the transaction in Celo Alfajores Explorer.

Step_4: Retrieve the "SmartContract Address"

Example request:

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.tatum.io/v3/blockchain/sc/address/CELO/0xa6e0f4f1571dd5f50af126f173f0ff62ee8dd9d9aa7d708843c4b8058d347be5' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}'
    "contractAddress": "0x0935a78C8a268c8ED0590E5A8d4409f7604Bed1A"

Step_5: Adding Tatum as a Minter (Optional)

Example request:

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tatum.io/v3/nft/mint/add' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "chain": "CELO",
    "contractAddress": "0x0935a78C8a268c8ED0590E5A8d4409f7604Bed1A",
    "minter": "0xBC2eBA680EE50d685cc4Fe65f102AA70AfB27D3F",
    "fromPrivateKey": "####"
    "txId": "0x04e159bd515c917efcfbb88f819b513fb7c5d54aef70c26aaa285e7b987c1aae"

Tatum Minter role addresses:

MainnetBSC, Celo, Ethereum, Harmony, Klaytn, Polygon0x49678AAB11E001eb3cB2cBD9aA96b36DC2461A94


Adding a Minter Address into an NFT Collection SmartContract is non-reversible. The cost of each use in crypto is charged to the account in credits.