RPC Requests: Full Nodes and Archive

Tatum RPC node offering covers Full node and Archive.

Full Node

A Full node stores and maintains recent block data, around the most recent ~128-200 blocks. It serves blockchain data upon request and helps support the network by participating in block validation and by verifying all blocks and states. All states can be derived from a Full node.


  • 5 credits per eth_call method (for EVM-based blockchains)
  • 2 credits per any other RPC method


An Archive node includes all the functionalities of a Full node but extends its capabilities to store and query historical blockchain states. This allows for specific historical queries, such as the balance of an address or the state of a contract at any given block number.


  • 50 credits per debug/trace method (for EVM-based blockchains)
  • 50 credits per EOS Trace API methods

Good to Know

  • Automatic Request Routing: The Tatum Gateway and Loadbalance engine redirects RPC requests to either a Full node or an Archive node, depending on the nature of the request.
  • Request Cost: The credits required for different RPC methods are subject to change. We advise you to regularly review pricing details to ensure accurate project budgeting and cost management.