Missing "counterAddress" - UTXO chains and Solana

Notifications based on UTXO chains (like Bitcoin) and Solana return with no counterAddress.

UTXO chains and Solana transactions can be built with the transaction logic: many-to-many.

Because of this behavior, tracking an exact counterAddress is not possible. This parameter will be missing in the notification payload.

Notification Example:

  "address": "GLDUC8DpzYNRJK8hxLLVV43JCRo9hXAU7FguVYWP2M8D",
  "txId": "3Rcz1L2QK7UNkh7nt6RigU1TKzEYiYq3ns7kvjB6z7EqsZ3JGv9N6K2CZDQUx1fa5NvcsEM2dAzWWCqDp4KtYzeK",
  "blockNumber": 263325510,
  "chain": "solana-mainnet",
  "type": "native",
  "asset": "SOL",
  "amount": "0.0001",
  "subscriptionType": "ADDRESS_TRANSACTION"