Tatum Smart Contract Verification & Audit

You can verify Smart Contracts deployed via Tatum using the Tatum API on Blockchain Explorers.

Tatum Smart contracts are audited and certified by Certik

List of Smart Contracts:

TypeCompiler VersionOptimized EnabledSource CodeLink
Tatum ERC-20EVM Chains: v0.8.18+commit.87f61d96Yes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedTatumErc20CappedToken.sol
Tatum ERC-20TRON: tron_v0.8.18+commit.f18bedfeYes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedTatumErc20CappedToken.sol
Tatum ERC-721EVM Chains: v0.8.18+commit.87f61d96Yes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedTatumTron721.sol
Tatum ERC-721TRON: tron_v0.5.18+commit.6124c56Yes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedTatum721General.sol
Tatum ERC-1155EVM Chains: 0.8.7+commit.e28d00a7
TRON: tron_v0.5.18+commit.6124c56
Yes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedTatum1155.sol
Tatum NFT AuctionEVM Chains: 0.8.7+commit.e28d00a7
TRON 0.5.5 or 0.6.12
Yes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedNftAuction.sol
Tatum Marketplace ListingEVM Chains: 0.8.7+commit.e28d00a7
TRON tron_v0.5.18+commit.6124c56
Yes; 200 runsSingle file, MIT licensedMarketplaceListing.sol

Example of a contract verified on BSC for BEP-20:

Good to Know

  • BSC - Our contract uses the compiler available at the time of publication. Newer versions have fixed some minor bugs. The impact of these bugs, however, is low and not significant.
  • SOL - Verifying an NFT on Solana means that the NFT is a part of the collection (setting the Verified parameter to true for the NFT). To know more about Solana collections and verification, refer to the Solana user documentation.