GP - Error invalid BigNumber string
When attempting to transfer assets via Gas Pump, you may face an error looking as follows or similar:
"response": {
"statusCode": 403,
"errorCode": "sc.operation.failed",
"message": "Unable to transfer assets. Please check, that your address contains all the tokens you want to transfer.",
"cause": "invalid BigNumber string (argument=\"value\", value=\"0x693808b.766516db0dd82fd75e2\", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.7.0)"
This error is likely related to an incorrect amount of decimals included in the parameter "amount
" of your payload.
- Transfer assets Gas Pump - v3 REST API
- Transfer assets Gas Pump (batch) - v3 REST API
When transferring a token, please check the Contract code to verify the maxmium allowed amount of "
- TokenAddress: TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t
- Digits: "
Updated 9 months ago