Check if the wallet owns a specific NFT

This function checks if a wallet own's any or a specific nft from a collection, you can pass collection address, wallet address & tokenId as an option parameter.

Check if the wallet owns a specific NFT


In the rapidly growing world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), verifying the ownership of a particular NFT is crucial for creators, collectors, and traders alike. This guide introduces you to the operation of checking if a wallet owns a specific NFT, providing an efficient way to confirm the possession of unique digital assets. By leveraging this functionality, you can ensure the accuracy and authenticity of your NFT holdings, make well-informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding NFTs, and navigate the dynamic NFT landscape with greater confidence. Ultimately, this operation empowers you to manage your digital assets more effectively, fostering transparency and trust in your NFT transactions.

How to get the owner of the NFT on the Ethereum network

Use the TatumSDK (@tatumcom/js) to check, if the wallet is the owner.

// Install with: npm install @tatumio/tatum
const { TatumSDK, Network } = require("@tatumio/tatum");

(async () => {
  try {
    const tatum = await TatumSDK.init({ network: Network.ETHEREUM });
    const isOwner = await tatum.nft.checkNftOwner({
      tokenAddress: "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d", // replace with your collection
      tokenId: "1",
      owner: "0x46efbaedc92067e6d60e84ed6395099723252496" // owner wallet
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error checking NFT owner:", error);

// Expected outcome
// true
// yarn add @tatumio/tatum  
import {TatumSDK, Network, Ethereum} from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init\<Ethereum>({network: Network.ETHEREUM})

const isOwner: boolean = await tatum.nft.checkNftOwner({  
  tokenAddress: '0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d', // replace with your collection  
<strong>  tokenId: '1',  
</strong>  owner: '0x46efbaedc92067e6d60e84ed6395099723252496' // owner wallet  

curl --location --request GET ''

Expected Response


Request interface

interface GetTokenOwner {
   * Token ID
  tokenId: string
   * Token contract address
  tokenAddress: string
   * Owner address of the NFT token
  owner: string

Response interface

interface ResponseDto<boolean> {
   * Actual payload of the response - true or false result
  data: boolean
   * Status of the response
  status: Status
   * In case of ERROR status, this field contains the error message and detailed description
  error?: ErrorWithMessage