💲 Exchange Rate
This helps any web3 app developer to quickly query the exchange rate of a crypto against more than 165 fiat currencies.
Obtain real-time exchange rates for a wide range of cryptocurrencies against more than 165 FIAT currencies (see the full list on the Supported Fiat page) and more than 90 cryptocurrencies, which you can find listed on the Supported Crypto Currencies page. This functionality improves the onboarding experience for new crypto users by keeping them up-to-date with the Transaction Value.
Integrate this capability into your application without the need for extensive knowledge of individual exchange APIs or complex rate calculation algorithms. Tatum simplifies the process by providing a streamlined interface to retrieve exchange rates, allowing developers to focus on building robust and innovative applications.
As a developer, the exchange rate submodule offers you powerful capabilities to enhance your cryptocurrency applications. Here are the top three use cases you can get started building on:
- Portfolio Integration: Easily integrate real-time portfolio tracking into your application. With the exchange rate submodule, you can fetch and display the current values of users' cryptocurrency holdings, providing them with a comprehensive view of their investments.
- Seamless Currency Conversion: Simplify cryptocurrency-to-fiat conversions within your app. The exchange rate submodule allows you to retrieve accurate exchange rates, enabling users to convert cryptocurrencies seamlessly. Enhance the user experience by offering transparent and efficient currency conversion functionality.
- Merchant Integration: Seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency payment solutions for merchants. With the exchange rate submodule, you can fetch real-time exchange rates and display prices in users' preferred fiat currencies. Empower merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments with confidence and streamline transactions for their customers.
Explore the possibilities and enhance user experience across your web3 application today.
Good to Know
- Exchange rate data source: https://www.coingecko.com/
Updated 5 months ago