Reporting RPC Errors

If you encounter issues connecting to Tatum RPC nodes, providing the right details upfront helps us diagnose and resolve your issue faster. When submitting a support request, please include the following:

Required Information

  1. Chain Name
    Specify the blockchain you're working with (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon).

  2. Environment
    Indicate whether you're using the Testnet or Mainnet.

  3. Region
    Specify where your production environment is hosted (e.g., US, EU, SEA, or other).

  4. Network URL
    Provide the full URL of the RPC endpoint you're using (e.g.,

  5. Method(s) Used
    List the specific RPC method(s) that are returning unexpected results (e.g., eth_blockNumber, trace_block).

  6. Request Example
    Share an example of the exact request payload you are sending to the RPC node. Include:

    • Full JSON request body
    • All headers being sent
  7. Response Example
    Provide the full response received from the RPC call. This includes:

    • The HTTP status code
    • The JSON response (successful or failed)
  8. Problem Statement
    Clearly describe the issue you are experiencing. For example:

    • "The method trace_block returns a parameter that differs from another provider’s response."
    • "The eth_call method is returning inconsistent results for the same input."
  9. Comparison with Other Sources
    If you suspect a discrepancy, specify the external data source you are using for comparison, as well as the full request date with their response bodies.

    • Arbitrumtrace_block from Tatum returns different values compared to the same request made to X_company_name. Here's both response bodies.
    • Binance Smart Chain eth_getTransactionReceipt from Tatum returns a missing field "Y" compared to the same request made to X_company_name. Here's both response bodies.
  10. Incident Start Time
    Provide the exact date and time (with timezone) when the issue first occurred.

Why This Information Matters

Providing your use case, the specific problem, and details on how our response differs from other sources helps us identify potential inconsistencies or misconfigurations more effectively. Without these details, troubleshooting may be significantly delayed or even unfeasible.



For more details on RPC troubleshooting, visit: RPC Troubleshooting Guide.