Tatum's Derivation Path
In blockchain technology, the Derivation path is a critical element of a wallet structure. The Derivation Path determines how exactly a wallet generates the XPUB, addresses, and Private Keys.
To generate the expected Blockchain Addresses and Private Keys, the Derivation Path must match 1:1. Blockchain Addresses generated via other services external to the Tatum API and or KMS may or may not match the expected Derivation Path. For example, Wallet services like MetaMask use a different derivation path.
Tatum wallets use specific Mnemonic derivation paths per chain. These derivation paths are the same for API, SDKs, and KMS.
Tatum Mnemonic Derivation Paths
BTC: "m/44'/0'/0'/0", //SegWit (starts with a "bc1q")
LTC: "m/44'/2'/0'/0",
ETH: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
DOGE: "m/44'/3'/0'/0",
CELO: "m/44'/52752'/0'/0",
POLYGON: "m/44'/966'/0'/0",
KCS: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
HARMONY: "m/44'/1023'/0'/0",
KLAY: "m/44'/8217'/0'/0",
BSC: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
BCH: "m/44'/145'/0'/0",
TRON: "m/44'/195'/0'/0",
EGLD: "m/44'/508'/0'/0'",
ADA: "m/1852'/1815'/0'",
FLOW: "m/44'/539'/0'/0",
NEO: "m/44'/888'/0'/0",
SOL: "m/44'/501'/0'/0'",
VET: "m/44'/818'/0'/0",
XDC: "m/44'/550'/0'/0",
XLM: "m/44'/148'/0'",
XRP: "m/44'/144'/0'/0",
BNB: "m/44'/714'/0'/0",
Additional information is available at the following link.
Updated 6 months ago