Get current exchange rate of the crypto asset

This endpoint allows you to obtain current exchange rate between fiat/crypto or fiat/fiat.

The getExchangeRate() method offers a seamless way to retrieve up-to-date exchange rate information for cryptocurrencies. By invoking this method, you can effortlessly access the current exchange rate, along with the corresponding timestamp and the reliable source of the data.

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Ethereum, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Ethereum>({network: Network.ETHEREUM})

const rate = await tatum.rates.getCurrentRate("BTC","EUR")

Request Interface

export class RateBatchDto {
  // fiat
  basePair: Fiat

  // crypto currency/fiat
  currency: Fiat | Currency

Response interface

export class Rate {
  // crypto currency/fiat
  _id: Fiat | Currency

  // the amount of basePair that can be exchanged for 1 _id (crypto currency/fiat)
  value: string

  // fiat
  basePair: Fiat

  // timestamp of rate information from source
  timestamp: number

  // source of rate
  source: string

Supported FIAT

See the full wide range of fiat currencies we support for the exchange submodule on this page.

Supported Crypto Currency

See the full wide range of crypto currencies we support for the exchange submodule on this page.