Upload File

This function helps a user to upload a new file on the Inter Planetary File Storage

The "uploadFile" function is specifically designed to facilitate the process of uploading data to the IPFS network. By supplying the file in a buffer format, this function allows users to store their data on the decentralised IPFS system and receive a unique CID (Content Identifier) in return, which acts as a reference to the uploaded data.

How to upload a file to IPFS using TatumSDK

Use the TatumSDK (@tatumio/tatum) to upload your file to IPFS.

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum
import { TatumSDK, Network, Polygon, ResponseDto, FungibleTokenBalance } from 
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'

const tatumClient = await TatumSDK.init<Polygon>({
      network: Network.Polygon,
      verbose: true,
      apiKey: {
        v4: '<apikey>',

const buffer = readFileSync('/path/to/file/file.jpg')

const result = await tatumClient.ipfs.uploadFile({ file: buffer })

await tatum.destroy();
// Install with: npm install @tatumio/tatum
const { TatumSDK, Network } = require("@tatumio/tatum");
const readFileSync = require('fs').readFileSync;

const tatumClient = await TatumSDK.init({
      network: Network.Polygon,
      verbose: true,
      apiKey: {
        v4: '<apikey>',

const buffer = readFileSync('/path/to/file/file.jpg')

const result = await tatumClient.ipfs.uploadFile({ file: buffer })

await tatum.destroy();

Expected Response

// Some code
    "data": {

Request interface

interface UploadFileDetails {
   * The file is to be uploaded in binary format.
  file: Buffer

Response interface

interface ResponseDto<T> {
   * Actual payload of the response.
  data: T
   * Status of the response.
  status: Status
   * In case of ERROR status, this field contains the error message and detailed description.
  error?: ErrorWithMessage

interface IPFSUploadResponse {
   * The unique CID (Content Identifier) associated with the uploaded file.
  ipfsHash: string