How to transfer Multi Tokens

Transfer a Multi Token

Request example:

  • The response will contain a transaction ID from which you can obtain the details of the transaction.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data-raw '{
    "to": "0xfb99F8aE9b70A0C8Cd96aE665BBaf85A7E01a2ef",
    "contractAddress": "0x7e8fada7108d0DBbE8C6aca50d0FFb13CC34Eb81",
    "tokenId": "1",
    "amount": "1", //The amount cannot be fractional
    "chain": "CELO",
    "fromPrivateKey": "####",
    "fee": {
      "gasLimit": "40000",
      "gasPrice": "40"
    "txId": "0x4907008b79c881a61db1af4bec792f822070c0cffed77c26151ec917d6b0c2fd"

Transfer Multi Tokens in a batch

Example request:

  • The response will contain a transaction ID from which you can obtain the details of the transaction.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data-raw '{
    "to": "0xfb99F8aE9b70A0C8Cd96aE665BBaf85A7E01a2ef",
    "contractAddress": "0x7e8fada7108d0DBbE8C6aca50d0FFb13CC34Eb81",
    "tokenId": ["1", "2"],
    "amounts": ["1", "1"],
    "chain": "CELO",
    "fromPrivateKey": "####",
    "fee": {
      "gasLimit": "40000",
      "gasPrice": "40"
    "txId": "0x1d6f1fd6dcd3a552ae02badbe7a2de7085ee5155d3aa0321a4afbbefbbb9815e"