Get current rates for multiple crypto assets at once
This endpoint allows you to obtain current exchange rates between fiat/crypto or fiat/fiat.
The getExchangeRates()
method in our API provides a powerful solution similar to the "Get current rate" method. It enables you to obtain current exchange rate information, along with timestamps and the source of the data.
One notable feature of this method is the ability to request multiple exchange pairs simultaneously. This means you can retrieve exchange rates for various cryptocurrencies all in one API call, saving time and reducing complexity.
How to use it
Request Interface
// array of
export class RateBatchDto {
// fiat
basePair: Fiat
// crypto currency/fiat
currency: Fiat | Currency
// used to identify pair in batch calls
batchId?: string
Response interface
// array of
export class Rate {
// used to identify pair in batch calls
batchId?: string
// crypto currency/fiat
_id: Fiat | Currency
// the amount of basePair that can be exchanged for 1 _id (crypto currency/fiat)
value: string
// fiat
basePair: Fiat
// timestamp of rate information from source
timestamp: number
// source of rate
source: string
Supported FIAT
See the full wide range of fiat currencies we support for the exchange submodule on this page.
Supported Crypto Currency
See the full wide range of crypto currencies we support for the exchange submodule on this page.
Updated 12 months ago