πŸ’» Wallet Provider Tron

The Tron Wallet Provider is designed to work flawlessly with the Tatum SDK, extending wallet functionalities for the Tron blockchain.

Getting Started

Ensure to have @tatumio/tron-wallet-provider installed alongside Tatum SDK.

npm install @tatumio/tron-wallet-provider


  1. Mnemonic Generation: Create mnemonics for seed phrases effortlessly.
  2. Extended Public Key (xpub) Creation: Generate xpubs from mnemonics seamlessly.
  3. Private Key and Address Derivation: Derive private keys and addresses from mnemonics and xpubs efficiently.
  4. Transaction Signing and Broadcasting: Sign and broadcast transactions on the Tron network with ease.

Supported Networks

  • Network.TRON
  • Network.TRON_SHASTA

Ensure the security of mnemonics, private keys, and other sensitive data. Never expose them in client-side code or public repositories.