Get Private Key, Address, and Mnemonic

This function allows you to obtain the private key, address, and mnemonic using the TezosWalletProvider from the Tatum SDK.

// Import necessary libraries
import { TezosWalletProvider } from '@tatumio/tezos-wallet-provider';
import { TatumSDK, Network, Tezos } from '@tatumio/tatum';

// Initialize the SDK for Tezos
const tatumSdk = await TatumSDK.init<Tezos>({network: Network.TEZOS,
     configureWalletProviders: [TezosWalletProvider],

// Get private key, address and mnemonic
const { privateKey, address, mnemonic } = await tatumSdk.walletProvider

// Output the retrieved data
console.log(privateKey);  // Prints the private key
console.log(address);  // Prints the address
console.log(mnemonic);  // Prints the mnemonic
// Import necessary libraries
import { TezosWalletProvider } from '@tatumio/tezos-wallet-provider';
import { TatumSDK, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum';

// Initialize the SDK for Tezos
const tatumSdk = await TatumSDK.init({network: Network.TEZOS,
     configureWalletProviders: [
    { type: TezosWalletProvider, config: { rpcUrl: '' } },

// Get private key, address and mnemonic
const { privateKey, address, mnemonic } = await tatumSdk.walletProvider

// Output the retrieved data
console.log(privateKey);  // Prints the private key
console.log(address);  // Prints the address
console.log(mnemonic);  // Prints the mnemonic