Simulate Transfer

This function helps you to simulate a native transfer by passing a payload to the function simulateTransfer of the extension '@tatumio/transaction-simulator'

The simulateTransfer function within the Transaction Simulator submodule serves a vital role in simulating native and ERC20 token transfers on EVM-based blockchains. This function is crucial for developers to test and understand the behavior of token transfers without interacting with the live blockchain. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to utilize the simulateTransfer function to enhance your blockchain projects.

How to Simulate a Transfer

Utilize the provided library to simulate a transfer on an EVM-based blockchain.

// Import necessary libraries
import { TatumSDK, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum';
import { simulateTransfer, Transfer } from '@tatumio/transaction-simulator';

const tatumSdk = await TatumSDK.init({
     network: Network.ETHEREUM,
     configureExtensions: [
// Define Your Payload
const transferPayload: Transfer = {
  to: '0x0Ae9E7437092BB7E7Bd6Eccf0eF1ad05591f5B47',
  from: '0xDce92f40cAdDE2C4e3EA78b8892c540e6bFe2f81',
  gas: '0x5208',  // optional
  gasPrice: '0x4BA1C7B8C',  //optional
  value: 1000,  // example amount to send in wei

// Call simulateTransfer
const simulationResult = await simulateTransfer(transferPayload);

// Check simulation results
// Import necessary libraries
import { TatumSDK, Network, Ethereum } from '@tatumio/tatum';
import { TransactionSimulator } from '@tatumio/transaction-simulator';

const tatumSdk = await TatumSDK.init<Ethereum>({
     network: Network.ETHEREUM,
     configureExtensions: [
// Define Your Payload
const transferPayload: Transfer = {
  to: '0x0Ae9E7437092BB7E7Bd6Eccf0eF1ad05591f5B47',
  from: '0xDce92f40cAdDE2C4e3EA78b8892c540e6bFe2f81',
  gas: '0x5208',  // optional
  gasPrice: '0x4BA1C7B8C',  //optional
  value: 1000,  // example amount to send in wei

// Call simulateTransfer
const simulationResult = await tatumSdk.extension(TransactionSimulator)

// Check simulation results


  • to: Address of the recipient.
  • from: Address of the sender.
  • gas: (Optional) Gas limit for the transaction.
  • gasPrice: (Optional) Gas price for the transaction.
  • value: Amount to send in wei.

Expected Response

  "transactionDetails": {
    "from": "0xDce92f40cAdDE2C4e3EA78b8892c540e6bFe2f81",
    "to": "0x0Ae9E7437092BB7E7Bd6Eccf0eF1ad05591f5B47",
    "value": 10000,
    "gasLimit": 21000,
    "gasPrice": 20302297996
  "status": "success",
  "balanceChanges": {
    "0xDce92f40cAdDE2C4e3EA78b8892c540e6bFe2f81": {
      "from": 243323659206289750000,
      "to": 243323232858031850000
    "0x0Ae9E7437092BB7E7Bd6Eccf0eF1ad05591f5B47": {
      "from": 8951104779026672,
      "to": 8951104779036672

Response Interface

In this response interface, transactionDetails contains the details of the simulated transaction, status indicates the success or failure, and balanceChanges shows the balance changes for the involved addresses.

Use Cases

  • Development and Testing: Simulate transactions to test smart contracts, DApps, and other blockchain functionalities in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Education and Training: Enhance hands-on blockchain education by simulating real-world transaction scenarios.
  • Hackathons: Enable participants to understand the implications of transactions without the necessity of a live blockchain.


The simulateTransfer function in the Transaction Simulator submodule is a powerful tool designed to provide a simulated environment for understanding and testing token transfers on EVM-based blockchains. Leveraging this function will enable developers, educators, and blockchain enthusiasts to enhance their understanding and expedite their projects in the blockchain ecosystem.