
Cardano RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

import { TatumSDK, CardanoRosetta, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

// Initialize the Tatum SDK for Cardano
const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<CardanoRosetta>({ network: Network.CARDANO_ROSETTA })

// Define the input parameters in a single object
const params = {
  networkIdentifier: {
    blockchain: 'CARDANO',
    network: 'NETWORK_NAME',
    subNetworkIdentifier: {
      network: 'SUB_NETWORK_NAME',
      metadata: {
        // Optional metadata key-value pairs.
  operator: {
    // Specify search conditions (optional).
  max_block: 5, // The largest block index to consider (optional).
  offset: 5, // The offset into the query result to start returning transactions (optional).
  limit: 5, // The maximum number of transactions to return in one call (optional).
  transactionIdentifier: {
    hash: 'TRANSACTION_HASH', // string, required
  accountIdentifier: {
    address: 'ACCOUNT_ADDRESS', // string, required
    sub_account: {
      // Specify sub-account information if applicable
    metadata: {
      chain_code: 'CHAIN_CODE', // Specify chain code if applicable
  coin_identifier: {
    identifier: 'CO', // Specify search conditions (optional).
  currency: {
    symbol: 'CURRENCY_SYMBOL', // Required: Specifies the currency symbol .
    decimals: 6, // Required: Specifies the currency decimals (number).
    metadata: {
      // Optional metadata for amount object
  status: 'reverted', // The network-specific operation status type (optional).
  type: 'transfer', // The network-specific operation type (optional).
  address: '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347', // Account address (optional).
  success: true, // A synthetic condition (optional).

// Search for transactions
const transactions = await tatum.rpc.searchTransactions(params)

// Log the retrieved transactions
console.log('Transactions:', transactions)

// Always destroy the Tatum SDK instance when done to stop any background processes
await tatum.destroy()


The searchTransactions method allows you to search for transactions matching a set of provided conditions in canonical blocks. This can be useful for querying transaction data based on various criteria.

Example Use Cases

  1. Transaction Query: Developers can use this method to search for transactions that meet specific criteria, such as a particular status or operation type.
  2. Block Analysis: Users can analyze transactions within a specific range of blocks to identify patterns or trends.

Request Parameters

The searchTransactions method requires the following parameters in the request body:

  • networkIdentifier (object, required): An object containing information about the blockchain network.
    • blockchain (string, required): The blockchain identifier, which should be set to CARDANO for Cardano.
    • network (string, required): The network name for Cardano.
    • subNetworkIdentifier (object, optional): An optional sub-network identifier object.
      • network (string, optional): The name of the sub-network within Cardano.
      • metadata (object, optional): Metadata associated with the sub-network.
  • operator (enum, optional): Additional search conditions or and and.
  • max_block (number, optional): The largest block index to consider when searching for transactions. If not populated, the current block is considered the max_block. If you do not specify a max_block, it is possible that a newly synced block will interfere with paginated transaction queries (as the offset could become invalid with newly added rows).
  • offset (number, optional): The offset into the query result to start returning transactions. If any search conditions are changed, the query offset will change, and you must restart your search iteration.
  • limit (number, optional): The maximum number of transactions to return in one call. The implementation may return <= limit transactions.
  • transactionIdentifier (object, required): An object containing information about the transaction.
    • hash (string, required): The hash of the transaction.
  • accountIdentifier (object, optional): An object containing information about the account.
    • address (string, required): The Cardano account address associated with the operation.
    • sub_account (object, optional): An optional sub-account object.
      • address (string, optional): The sub-account address.
      • metadata (object, optional): An optional metadata object for the sub-account. If the SubAccount address is not sufficient to uniquely specify a SubAccount, any other identifying information can be stored here. It is important to note that two SubAccounts with identical addresses but differing metadata will not be considered equal by clients.
    • metadata (object, optional): An optional metadata object for the account.
  • coinIdentifier (object, optional): Specify search conditions for coin identifier. Identifier should be populated with a globally unique identifier of a Coin. In Bitcoin, this identifier would be transaction_hash: index.
    • identifier (string, required): Example: '0x2f23fd8cca835af21f3ac375bac601f97ead75f2e79143bdf71fe2c4be043e8f: 1'
  • currency (object, required): An object specifying the currency details. - symbol (string, required): The symbol or code of the currency. - decimals (number, required): The number of decimal places for the currency. - metadata (object, optional): Any additional information related to the currency itself. For example, it would be useful to populate this object with the contract address of an ERC-20 token.
  • status (string, optional): The network-specific operation status type (optional).
  • type (string, optional): The network-specific operation type (optional).
  • address (string, optional): AccountIdentifier.Address. This is used to get all transactions related to an AccountIdentifier.Address, regardless of SubAccountIdentifier.
  • success (boolean, optional): A synthetic condition populated by parsing network-specific operation statuses.

Return Object

The method returns a list of transactions that match the specified search criteria.