
Tron RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumcom/js

import { TatumSDK, Tron, Network } from '@tatumcom/js'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Tron>({ network: Network.TRON })

const account = await tatum.rpc.getAccount('TZ4UXDV5ZhNW7fb2AMSbgfAEZ7hWsnYS2g', {
  visible: true,

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


The getAccount method is used to query information about an account on the TRON network. It provides details including TRX balance, TRC-10 balances, stake information, vote information, permissions, and more.


  • address (string): The account address to be queried. It should be converted to a hex string.
  • options (object, optional): This optional parameter contains the following properties:
    • visible (boolean, optional): Determines whether the address is in base58 format. Default is false.

Return Object

  • account_name (string): The name of the account. The account name can be modified once through the wallet/updateaccount interface.
  • address (string): Account address.
  • create_time (int64): Account creation time, i.e. account activation time on the TRON network.
  • balance (int64): TRX balance of the account.
  • frozen (object): Contains two properties - frozen_balance (int64) which is the total amount of TRX staked by the account to obtain bandwidth in Stake 1.0, and expire_time (int64) which is the expiration time of the stake operation performed by the account to obtain bandwidth. The account can perform the unstake operation after this time.
  • delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidth (int64): Total amount of TRX staked by the account for others to get bandwidth in Stake 1.0.
  • acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidth (int64): Total amount of TRX staked by other accounts for this account to get bandwidth in Stake 1.0.
  • account_resource (object): Contains information about the account's resources, including frozen_balance_for_energy (object) with frozen_balance (int64) and expire_time (int64), delegated_frozen_balance_for_energy (int64), acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_energy (int64), delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_energy (int64), acquired_delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_energy (int64), energy_window_size (int64), energy_usage (int64), and latest_consume_time_for_energy (int64).
  • delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_bandwidth (int64): Total amount of TRX staked by the account for others to get bandwidth in Stake 2.0.
  • acquired_delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_bandwidth (int64): Total amount of TRX staked by other accounts for this account to get bandwidth in Stake 2.0.
  • frozenV2 (FreezeV2[]): In Stake 2.0, the total amount of TRX staked to obtain various types of resources does not include the delegated TRX.
  • unfrozenV2 (UnFreezeV2[]): In Stake 2.0, each unstaking information. One of the unstaking information contains three fields: type (resource type), unfreeze_amount (the amount of unstaked TRX), unfreeze_expire_time (the start timestamp when the unstaked TRX can be withdrawn, in ms).
  • net_usage (int64): The amount of bandwidth used by the account.
  • free_net_usage (int64): The amount of free bandwidth used by the account.
  • net_window_size (int64): The number of block times required for bandwidth obtained by stake to fully recover.
  • free_asset_net_usageV2 (map<string, int64>): The amount of trc10's free bandwidth used by this account.
  • votes (Vote): The number of votes for each Super Representative.
  • latest_opration_time (int64): The last operation time.
  • latest_consume_time (int64): The last time the account consumed bandwidth.
  • latest_consume_free_time (int64): The last time the account consumed free bandwidth.

HTTP Request Example

The HTTP request body for invoking this method is:

  "address": "TZ4UXDV5ZhNW7fb2AMSbgfAEZ7hWsnYS2g",
  "visible": true

HTTP Response Example

A successful response might look like:

  "address": "TZ4UXDV5ZhNW7fb2AMSbgfAEZ7hWsnYS2g",
  "balance": 2000000000,
  "create_time": 1637411046000,
  "net_window_size": 28800,
  "account_resource": {
    "energy_window_size": 28800
  "owner_permission": {
    "permission_name": "owner",
    "threshold": 1,
    "keys": [
        "address": "TZ4UXDV5ZhNW7fb2AMSbgfAEZ7hWsnYS2g",
        "weight": 1
  "active_permission": [
      "type": "Active",
      "id": 2,
      "permission_name": "active",
      "threshold": 1,
      "operations": "7fff1fc0033e0300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "keys": [
          "address": "TZ4UXDV5ZhNW7fb2AMSbgfAEZ7hWsnYS2g",
          "weight": 1
  "frozenV2": [
      "type": "ENERGY"
      "type": "TRON_POWER"