
Tron RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Tron, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Tron>({ network: Network.TRON })

const res = await tatum.rpc.getAssetIssueById(1002357)

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


This method is used to query a token by its token id in the TRON blockchain. Since TRON allows for duplicate token names (TRC10 tokens), tokens are identifiable by a unique Token ID. The function getAssetIssueById takes this Token ID and returns the token object, which includes the token name.


  • value (string): The address of the TRON account.

Return Object

The function returns a promise that resolves to an object of type AssetIssueCapsule. This object contains the following properties:

  • id: (integer) Token ID.
  • owner_address: (string) Issuer address.
  • name: (string) Token name.
  • abbr: (string) Token abbreviation.
  • total_supply: (integer) Total supply of tokens.
  • frozen_supply: (FrozenSupply[]) The number of tokens to be frozen as specified by the issuer when it was issued.
  • trx_num: (integer) Defines the price by the ratio of trx_num/num. The unit of 'trx_num' is SUN.
  • precision: (integer) Precision of the token.
  • num: (integer) Defines the price by the ratio of trx_num/num. The unit of 'trx_num' is SUN.
  • start_time: (integer) ICO start time.
  • end_time: (integer) ICO end time.
  • description: (string) Token description.
  • url: (string) Token's official website URL, default hexString.
  • free_asset_net_limit: (integer) Token's free asset net limit.
  • public_free_asset_net_limit: (integer) Token's public free asset net limit for an account.
  • public_free_asset_net_usage: (integer) The total number of token free bandwidth used by all token owner.
  • public_latest_free_net_time: (integer) The timestamp of the last consumption of this token's free bandwidth.

HTTP Request Example

  "value": 1000001

HTTP Response Example

  "owner_address": "412e1934759faf93497d6742208e2e521f7043e2ff",
  "name": "62747474657374",
  "abbr": "62747474657374",
  "total_supply": 1000000000000000,
  "trx_num": 1000000,
  "precision": 6,
  "num": 1000000,
  "start_time": 1575648000000,
  "end_time": 1575734400000,
  "description": "62747474657374",
  "url": "68747470733a2f2f62746673736f7465722e726561646d652e696f2f646f63732f686f772d746f2d6765742d737461727465642d776974682d736f746572",
  "id": "1000001"