
Ethereum RPC


The getStateFinalityCheckpoints endpoint allows you to retrieve the finality checkpoints associated with a specific stateId.

Example use cases:

  1. Finality Assessment: Developers can use finality checkpoints to assess the level of finality reached by the Ethereum Beacon Chain. By examining the previous_justified, current_justified, and finalized checkpoints, they can determine the state of consensus and the security of the network.
  2. Validator Monitoring: Validators in the Ethereum 2.0 network can use finality checkpoints to monitor the progress and stability of the network. They can track changes in the previous_justified and current_justified checkpoints to ensure they are participating in a secure and finalized chain.
  3. Network Stability Analysis: Network administrators and developers can monitor the network's finality checkpoints to assess its stability. Sudden changes or deviations in the previous_justified, current_justified, and finalized checkpoints may indicate issues or attacks on the network, prompting immediate action.


stateIdstringYesThe unique identifier for the Ethereum Beacon Chain state for which you want to retrieve finality checkpoints.


  • execution_optimistic (boolean): true if the response references an unverified execution payload. Optimistic information may be invalidated at a later time. If the field is not present, assume the false value.
  • finalized (boolean): If the response mentions the chain's final history picked by forks, it's true. Without the field, more calls are needed to compare the requested epoch with the final checkpoint.
  • data (object): The data object contains the finality checkpoints with the following structure:
    • previous_justified (object): Provides information about the previous justified beacon block.
      • epoch (string): The corresponding epoch
      • root (string): The corresponding root
    • current_justified (object): Provides information about the current justified beacon block.
      • epoch (string): The corresponding epoch
      • root (string): The corresponding root
    • finalized (object): Provides information about the finalized beacon block.
      • epoch (string): The corresponding epoch
      • root (string): The corresponding root

Request Example

// Import necessary libraries and modules
import { TatumSDK, Ethereum, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

// Initialize the Tatum SDK with Ethereum-specific parameters
const tatum = (await TatumSDK.init) < Ethereum > { network: Network.ETHEREUM }

// Specify the state ID
const StateId = 'your-state-id'

// Retrieve the finality checkpoints using the getStateFinalityCheckpoints method
const finalityCheckpoints = await tatum.rpc.beacon.v1.getStateFinalityCheckpoints({ stateId: StateId })

// Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs
await tatum.destroy()