
Algorand RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// Import required libraries and modules from Tatum SDK
import { TatumSDK, AlgorandIndexer, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

// Initialize the Tatum SDK
const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<AlgorandIndexer>({ network: Network.ALGORAND_INDEXER })

// Define the input parameters as a dictionary object
const params = {
  assetId: 123, // Specify the asset ID (number) for which you want to lookup balances.
  currencyGreaterThan: 100, // Optional: Results should have an amount greater than this value (number).
  currencyLessThan: 500, // Optional: Results should have an amount less than this value (number).
  includeAll: true, // Optional: Include all items, including closed accounts, deleted applications, destroyed assets, opted-out asset holdings, and closed-out application localstates (boolean).
  limit: 100, // Optional: Maximum number of results to return (number).
  next: 'NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN', // Optional: The next page of results. Use the next token provided by the previous results (string).

// Lookup the list of accounts holding the specified asset
const assetBalances = await tatum.rpc.getAssetBalances(params)

// Log the list of accounts and their asset balances
console.log('Asset Balances:', assetBalances)

// Always destroy the Tatum SDK instance when done to stop any background processes
await tatum.destroy()


The getAssetBalances method allows you to lookup the list of accounts that hold a specific asset.

Example Use Cases

  1. Asset Balances: Developers can use this method to retrieve a list of accounts holding a particular asset, with optional filters for currency amounts.

Request Parameters

The getAssetBalances method requires the following parameters:

  • assetId (number, required): Specify the asset ID for which you want to lookup balances.
  • currencyGreaterThan (number, optional): Results should have an amount greater than this value (number).
  • currencyLessThan (number, optional): Results should have an amount less than this value (number).
  • includeAll (boolean, optional): Include all items, including closed accounts, deleted applications, destroyed assets, opted-out asset holdings, and closed-out application localstates (boolean).
  • limit (number, optional): Maximum number of results to return (number).
  • next (string, optional): The next page of results. Use the next token provided by the previous results (string).

Return Object

The method returns a list of accounts holding the specified asset, along with their asset balances.

Please note that the structure of the returned object may change in different RPC versions.