

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Xrp, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = (await TatumSDK.init) < Xrp > { network: Network.XRP }

const res = await tatum.rpc.manifest('nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p')

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


The manifest method is a specialized RPC method provided by the Ripple (XRP) blockchain to report the current "manifest" information for a given validator's public key. The "manifest" is a block of data that authorizes an ephemeral signing key with a signature from the validator's master key pair.

This method is particularly useful in scenarios where one needs to verify the authenticity of a validator. It could also be used to gather information about a validator's association with a domain, its ephemeral and master keys, and the sequence number of its manifest.


The manifest method accepts a single parameter:

  • publicKey: The base58-encoded public key of the validator to look up. This can be the master public key or ephemeral public key.

Return Object

The manifest method returns an object with the following fields:

  • details: An object containing detailed information about the manifest. This field is omitted if the server does not have a manifest for the public_key from the request. The details object has the following fields:
    • domain: The domain name this validator claims to be associated with. If the manifest does not contain a domain, this is an empty string.
    • ephemeral_key: The ephemeral public key for this validator, in base58.
    • master_key: The master public key for this validator, in base58.
    • seq: The sequence number of this manifest. This number increases whenever the validator operator updates the validator's token to rotate ephemeral keys or change settings.
  • manifest: The full manifest data in base64 format. This data is serialized to binary before being base64-encoded. This field is omitted if the server does not have a manifest for the public_key from the request.
  • requested: The public_key from the request.
  • status: The status of the request, typically "success".

JSON-RPC Request Example

  "method": "manifest",
  "params": [
      "public_key": "nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p"

JSON-RPC Response Example

  "result": {
    "details": {
      "domain": "",
      "ephemeral_key": "n9J67zk4B7GpbQV5jRQntbgdKf7TW6894QuG7qq1rE5gvjCu6snA",
      "master_key": "nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p",
      "seq": 1
    "manifest": "JAAAAAFxIe3AkJgOyqs3y+UuiAI27Ff3Mrfbt8e7mjdo06bnGEp5XnMhAhRmvCZmWZXlwShVE9qXs2AVCvhVuA/WGYkTX/vVGBGwdkYwRAIgGnYpIGufURojN2cTXakAM7Vwa0GR7o3osdVlZShroXQCIH9R/Lx1v9rdb4YY2n5nrxdnhSSof3U6V/wIHJmeao5ucBJA9D1iAMo7YFCpb245N3Czc0L1R2Xac0YwQ6XdGT+cZ7yw2n8JbdC3hH8Xu9OUqc867Ee6JmlXtyDHzBdY/hdJCQ==",
    "requested": "nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p",
    "status": "success"