
Litecoin RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum import { TatumSDK, Litecoin, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum' const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Litecoin>({ network: Network.LITECOIN }) const result = await tatum.rpc.getBlockStats( '614c1c4c6336a2ac9aba7b3c91f21fc89b974a38f7844a230accb2165e61a128', ) await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


getblockstats is a Litecoin RPC method that returns various statistics about a specified block. This method is useful for obtaining detailed information about a block, including the number of transactions, transaction volume, fees, and other related data. The results can be used for data analysis, monitoring, and understanding the state of the Litecoin network at a specific block height.


  • hash_or_height: The block hash or block height for which the statistics are requested. This parameter can be either a string (block hash) or an integer (block height).

    Example (block hash): "0000000000000000000f92fb968a8d1a2a9c2039e6e99f8c7a0ee3421a44a7d6"

    Example (block height): 685230

  • stats (optional): An array of strings indicating the statistics to be included in the response. If not specified, all available statistics will be returned.

    Example: ["txs", "avgfee"]

Return Object

The return object is a JSON object containing the requested statistics as key-value pairs. The available statistics are:

  • avgfee: The average transaction fee in satoshis.
  • avgfeerate: The average fee rate in satoshis per virtual byte.
  • avgtxsize: The average transaction size in bytes.
  • blockhash: The hash of the block.
  • height: The height of the block in the block chain.
  • ins: The total number of inputs in all transactions.
  • maxfee: The maximum transaction fee in satoshis.
  • maxfeerate: The maximum fee rate in satoshis per virtual byte.
  • maxtxsize: The maximum transaction size in bytes.
  • medianfee: The median transaction fee in satoshis.
  • mediantime: The median time for the block in UNIX timestamp format.
  • mediantxsize: The median transaction size in bytes.
  • minfee: The minimum transaction fee in satoshis.
  • minfeerate: The minimum fee rate in satoshis per virtual byte.
  • mintxsize: The minimum transaction size in bytes.
  • outs: The total number of outputs in all transactions.
  • subsidy: The block reward in satoshis.
  • swtotal_size: The total size of all SegWit transactions in bytes.
  • swtotal_weight: The total weight of all SegWit transactions.
  • swtxs: The total number of SegWit transactions.
  • time: The block timestamp in UNIX format.
  • total_size: The total size of all transactions in bytes.
  • total_weight: The total weight of all transactions.
  • totalfee: The total transaction fees in satoshis.
  • txs: The total number of transactions in the block.
  • utxo_increase: The increase in the number of unspent transaction outputs.
  • utxo_size_inc: The increase in the size of the UTXO set.

JSON Examples

Request example:

{% code overflow="wrap" lineNumbers="true" %}

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getblockstats", "params": ["0000000000000000001b4fedbfb3672963c37f965686c2bf6350e32e77f9941f"], "id": 1 }

{% endcode %}

Response example:

{% code overflow="wrap" lineNumbers="true" %}

{ "result": { "avgfee": 10220, "avgfeerate": 18, "avgtxsize": 619, "blockhash": "0000000000000000001b4fedbfb3672963c37f965686c2bf6350e32e77f9941f", "feerate_percentiles": [6, 9, 9, 15, 48], "height": 587123, "ins": 3615, "maxfee": 419448, "maxfeerate": 393, "maxtxsize": 17196, "medianfee": 9528, "mediantime": 1564151358, "mediantxsize": 374, "minfee": 136, "minfeerate": 1, "mintxsize": 189, "outs": 3617, "subsidy": 1250000000, "swtotal_size": 323742, "swtotal_weight": 777804, "swtxs": 616, "time": 1564152126, "total_out": 342467209172, "total_size": 1127251, "total_weight": 3991840, "totalfee": 18590521, "txs": 1820, "utxo_increase": 2, "utxo_size_inc": 4000 }, "error": null, "id": 1 }

{% endcode %}
