
Casper RPC

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Casper, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Casper>({ network: Network.CASPER })

const blockHash = 'a4b607420ae737f9cd474af73c9f5e908f61edd2e57d48371d15835127b46aaf' // Replace with actual block hash
const blockHeight = 3229836 // Replace with actual block height

const resultByHash = await tatum.rpc.chainGetBlock({ hash: blockHash })
const resultByHeight = await tatum.rpc.chainGetBlock({ height: blockHeight })

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


chain_get_block is an RPC method on the Casper blockchain that allows you to retrieve information about a specific block by its hash. This method is essential for developers and auditors who want to inspect the details of a particular block, including its transactions, state changes, and proofs.


The chain_get_block method accepts the following parameters:

  • hash: The hash of the block to retrieve.
  • height Identify and retrieve the Block with its height.

Return Object

The chain_get_block method returns an object with the following fields:

  • block: An object containing details about the block.
    • hash: The block hash. Example: "a4b607420ae737f9cd474af73c9f5e908f61edd2e57d48371d15835127b46aaf"
    • header: An object containing the block header.
      • parent_hash: The hash of the parent block. Example: "96970c822ac090607d30db53842d2a6a60fd621fa9f9feb75c737cfa339b2a4e"
      • state_root_hash: The state root hash. Example: "d43e9911a3ca4b405ca47bf7a76d1f3e4224d283cebb97c8e03cb66cb727e266"
      • body_hash: The hash of the block body. Example: "35eb1774e1c1e073e9ff6c1a4422de33c54cf05dd4050d9215be069d8a86a624"
      • random_bit: A boolean indicating the random bit. Example: true
      • accumulated_seed: The accumulated seed. Example: "9ed6be1af3cc233ff437de9a8458414ce9ec3f18c0162128ead80e0786e066aa"
      • timestamp: The timestamp of the block. Example: "2024-06-13T09:11:42.848Z"
      • era_id: The era ID. Example: 14017
      • height: The block height. Example: 3099175
      • protocol_version: The protocol version. Example: "1.5.6"
    • body: An object containing the block body.
      • proposer: The proposer of the block. Example: "01d2b6b397578ed3d46ebd94525a96b787d767494d94496a68b645a8bc21b66806"
      • deploy_hashes: A list of deploy hashes included in the block. Example: ["7ea7142d12d263748e5162e747fbbd1612122e339321feb787ea95a5a62a89c9"]
      • transfer_hashes: A list of transfer hashes included in the block. Example: []
    • proofs: An array of objects containing the public key and signature of the block's validators.
      • public_key: "01000e6fce753895c0d08d5d6af62db4e9b0d070f10e69e2c6badf977b29bbeeee"
      • signature: "01b26db8428d821331a520b20ef9d2f5105e8267f7e6350c72a287e0957d5c58c2f192109ff3290758f5e8550e1f4009cd0b41a8d01dbc2108dc3972df0c796701"
      • ...


  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "block": {
      "hash": "a4b607420ae737f9cd474af73c9f5e908f61edd2e57d48371d15835127b46aaf",
      "header": {
        "parent_hash": "96970c822ac090607d30db53842d2a6a60fd621fa9f9feb75c737cfa339b2a4e",
        "state_root_hash": "d43e9911a3ca4b405ca47bf7a76d1f3e4224d283cebb97c8e03cb66cb727e266",
        "body_hash": "35eb1774e1c1e073e9ff6c1a4422de33c54cf05dd4050d9215be069d8a86a624",
        "random_bit": true,
        "accumulated_seed": "9ed6be1af3cc233ff437de9a8458414ce9ec3f18c0162128ead80e0786e066aa",
        "timestamp": "2024-06-13T09:11:42.848Z",
        "era_id": 14017,
        "height": 3099175,
        "protocol_version": "1.5.6"
      "body": {
        "proposer": "01d2b6b397578ed3d46ebd94525a96b787d767494d94496a68b645a8bc21b66806",
        "deploy_hashes": [
        "transfer_hashes": []
      "proofs": [
          "public_key": "01000e6fce753895c0d08d5d6af62db4e9b0d070f10e69e2c6badf977b29bbeeee",
          "signature": "01b26db8428d821331a520b20ef9d2f5105e8267f7e6350c72a287e0957d5c58c2f192109ff3290758f5e8550e1f4009cd0b41a8d01dbc2108dc3972df0c796701"
          "public_key": "0100a8faa48e4b20966105c610d8a5f80c4248b337686c51213297d88afe0ff84e",
          "signature": "0111a1aa4554c922e853a6fbe2d369549b7963715800f19f6f02bf725c401c47b5d970a884416e4120f32de128a9ceb3e5172b4cdaec0eaed983197728eaf31f00"


  • This method returns the JSON representation of a block from the network.
  • The ongoing validity of the chain depends on block verification, which includes both a record of deploys and transfers.

For more detailed information, refer to the official Casper documentation