Ethereum Classic is a decentralized blockchain preserving original Ethereum chain. Access Tatum RPC guide to connect, query, and manage smart contracts with proof-of-work security and EVM support for dApp development.
The Ethereum Classic RPC documentation offers a detailed guide for developers to interact programmatically with the Ethereum Classic blockchain. This immutable network preserves the original Ethereum chain after the DAO fork, supporting smart contracts and dApps through the EVM. Developers can leverage the RPC endpoints to query the blockchain, submit transactions, and manage smart contracts. With its proof-of-work (PoW) consensus, Ethereum Classic offers a secure and decentralized environment for building reliable applications.
- Ethereum Classic Website: https://ethereumclassic.orgEthereum Classic RPC Gateway
*Supported Blockchains - tiers: 💎 Tier 1, ⭐ Tier 2, ✨ Tier 3
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Available Ethereum Classic interfaces
Ethereum Classic - JSON-RPC
- eth_getcode
- eth_getstorageat
- eth_call
- eth_getproof
- debug_tracecall
- eth_gettransactionreceipt
- debug_traceblockbyhash
- debug_storagerangeat
- eth_getbalance
- eth_getunclecountbyblocknumber
- eth_gettransactionbyhash
- eth_getblockbyhash
- debug_traceblockbynumber
- eth_getunclecountbyblockhash
- eth_gasprice
- debug_getbadblocks
- eth_gettransactionbyblocknumberandindex
- eth_getlogs
- eth_chainid
- eth_blocknumber
- txpool_status
- eth_getblocktransactioncountbynumber
- debug_traceblock
- eth_estimategas
- eth_getblocktransactioncountbyhash
- debug_tracetransaction
- eth_gettransactioncount
- eth_maxpriorityfeepergas
- txpool_content
- web3_clientversion
- eth_gettransactionbyblockhashandindex
- eth_sendrawtransaction
- eth_getblockbynumber
- txpool_inspect
- genesis
- eth_feehistory