

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum
import { TatumSDK, Xrp, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = (await TatumSDK.init) < Xrp > { network: Network.XRP }

const transactionDetails = await tatum.rpc.tx(
    binary: false,
    minLedger: 10000,
    maxLedger: 20000,

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


The tx method in XRP ledger's RPC API retrieves information on a single transaction by its identifying hash. It is primarily used for querying details about specific transactions that have occurred on the XRP Ledger. The transaction could be any type of operation such as a payment, offer creation, offer cancellation, trust set operation, etc.

This method can be very useful when tracking payment statuses, auditing transactions, or developing blockchain analysis tools. However, it should be noted that the command may successfully find the transaction even if it is included in a ledger outside the range of min_ledger to max_ledger.


The tx method accepts the following parameters:

  • transaction: (Type: String) The 256-bit hash of the transaction, as hex.
  • binary: (Type: Boolean, Optional) If true, return transaction data and metadata as binary serialized to hexadecimal strings. If false, return transaction data and metadata as JSON. The default is false.
  • minLedger: (Type: Number, Optional) Use this with maxLedger to specify a range of up to 1000 ledger indexes, starting with this ledger (inclusive).
  • maxLedger: (Type: Number, Optional) Use this with minLedger to specify a range of up to 1000 ledger indexes, ending with this ledger (inclusive).

Return Object

The tx method returns an object that provides information about a prepared transaction. The object contains the following fields:

  • date: A number that represents the number of seconds since January 1, 2000 (00:00 UTC) indicating the close time of the ledger in which the transaction was applied. This value does not have a precise relationship with physical time, and is dependent on the close time resolution.
  • hash: A string that represents the SHA-512 hash of the transaction.
  • inLedger: (Deprecated) An alias for ledger_index.
  • ledger_index: A number that represents the ledger index of the ledger that includes this transaction.
  • meta: An object (JSON) or a string (binary) that represents the transaction metadata, which describes the results of the transaction.
  • validated: A boolean that indicates if this data comes from a validated ledger version; if omitted or set to false, this data is not final.
  • (Various): (Various) Other fields from the Transaction object.

JSON-RPC Request Example

  "method": "tx",
  "params": [
      "transaction": "C53ECF838647FA5A4C780377025FEC7999AB4182590510CA461444B207AB74A9",
      "binary": false,
      "minLedger": 10000,
      "maxLedger": 20000

JSON-RPC Response Example

  "result": {
    "Account": "rhhh49pFH96roGyuC4E5P4CHaNjS1k8gzM",
    "Fee": "12",
    "Flags": 0,
    "LastLedgerSequence": 56865248,
    "OfferSequence": 5037708,
    "Sequence": 5037710,
    "SigningPubKey": "03B51A3EDF70E4098DA7FB053A01C5A6A0A163A30ED1445F14F87C7C3295FCB3BE",
    "TakerGets": "15000000000",
    "TakerPays": {
      "currency": "CNY",
      "issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y",
      "value": "20160.75"
    "TransactionType": "OfferCreate",
    "TxnSignature": "3045022100A5023A0E64923616FCDB6D664F569644C7C9D1895772F986CD6B981B515B02A00220530C973E9A8395BC6FE2484948D2751F6B030FC7FB8575D1BFB406368AD554D9",
    "date": 648248020,
    "hash": "C53ECF838647FA5A4C780377025FEC7999AB4182590510CA461444B207AB74A9",
    "inLedger": 56865245,
    "ledger_index": 56865245,
    "meta": {
      "AffectedNodes": [
          "ModifiedNode": {
            "FinalFields": {
              "ExchangeRate": "4F04C66806CF7400",
              "Flags": 0,
              "RootIndex": "02BAAC1E67C1CE0E96F0FA2E8061020536CEDD043FEB0FF54F04C66806CF7400",
              "TakerGetsCurrency": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
              "TakerGetsIssuer": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
              "TakerPaysCurrency": "000000000000000000000000434E590000000000",
              "TakerPaysIssuer": "CED6E99370D5C00EF4EBF72567DA99F5661BFB3A"
            "LedgerEntryType": "DirectoryNode",
            "LedgerIndex": "02BAAC1E67C1CE0E96F0FA2E8061020536CEDD043FEB0FF54F04C66806CF7400"
          "ModifiedNode": {
            "FinalFields": {
              "Account": "rhhh49pFH96roGyuC4E5P4CHaNjS1k8gzM",
              "Balance": "10404767991",
              "Flags": 0,
              "OwnerCount": 3,
              "Sequence": 5037711
            "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
            "LedgerIndex": "1DECD9844E95FFBA273F1B94BA0BF2564DDF69F2804497A6D7837B52050174A2",
            "PreviousFields": {
              "Balance": "10404768003",
              "Sequence": 5037710
            "PreviousTxnID": "4DC47B246B5EB9CCE92ABA8C482479E3BF1F946CABBEF74CA4DE36521D5F9008",
            "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 56865244
          "DeletedNode": {
            "FinalFields": {
              "Account": "rhhh49pFH96roGyuC4E5P4CHaNjS1k8gzM",
              "BookDirectory": "02BAAC1E67C1CE0E96F0FA2E8061020536CEDD043FEB0FF54F04C66806CF7400",
              "BookNode": "0000000000000000",
              "Flags": 0,
              "OwnerNode": "0000000000000000",
              "PreviousTxnID": "8F5FF57B404827F12BDA7561876A13C3E3B3095CBF75334DBFB5F227391A660C",
              "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 56865244,
              "Sequence": 5037708,
              "TakerGets": "15000000000",
              "TakerPays": {
                "currency": "CNY",
                "issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y",
                "value": "20160.75"
            "LedgerEntryType": "Offer",
            "LedgerIndex": "26AAE6CA8D29E28A47C92ADF22D5D96A0216F0551E16936856DDC8CB1AAEE93B"
          "ModifiedNode": {
            "FinalFields": {
              "Flags": 0,
              "IndexNext": "0000000000000000",
              "IndexPrevious": "0000000000000000",
              "Owner": "rhhh49pFH96roGyuC4E5P4CHaNjS1k8gzM",
              "RootIndex": "47FAF5D102D8CE655574F440CDB97AC67C5A11068BB3759E87C2B9745EE94548"
            "LedgerEntryType": "DirectoryNode",
            "LedgerIndex": "47FAF5D102D8CE655574F440CDB97AC67C5A11068BB3759E87C2B9745EE94548"
          "CreatedNode": {
            "LedgerEntryType": "Offer",
            "LedgerIndex": "8BAEE3C7DE04A568E96007420FA11ABD0BC9AE44D35932BB5640E9C3FB46BC9B",
            "NewFields": {
              "Account": "rhhh49pFH96roGyuC4E5P4CHaNjS1k8gzM",
              "BookDirectory": "02BAAC1E67C1CE0E96F0FA2E8061020536CEDD043FEB0FF54F04C66806CF7400",
              "Sequence": 5037710,
              "TakerGets": "15000000000",
              "TakerPays": {
                "currency": "CNY",
                "issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y",
                "value": "20160.75"
      "TransactionIndex": 0,
      "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS"
    "status": "success",
    "validated": true