
Tezos RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// Import required libraries and modules from Tatum SDK
import { TatumSDK, Tezos, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

// Initialize the Tatum SDK for Tezos
const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Tezos>({ network: Network.TEZOS })

// Fetch block hashes from a specific chain in Tezos using the getBlockHashes method
const blockHashes = await tatum.rpc.getBlockHashes({
  chainId: 'main', // Specify the Tezos chain ID (usually 'main' for mainnet)
  length: 5, // Optional: Number of predecessor blocks to return
  head: 'BLockHashHere', // Optional: Specify a block hash to fetch specific fragments of the chain
  minDate: '2023-10-01', // Optional: Filter out blocks before this date

// Always destroy the Tatum SDK instance when done to stop any background processes
await tatum.destroy()


The getBlockHashes method retrieves block hashes from a specified chain in Tezos, sorted by decreasing fitness. Without arguments, it returns the head of the chain. Optional arguments enable the return of the list of predecessors of a specified block or set of blocks.

Example use cases:

  1. Chain Inspection:
    Quickly identify and inspect the most recent blocks in the chain by their hash, aiding in network monitoring and analysis.
  2. Historical Data Analysis:
    Fetch specific sections of the blockchain for in-depth study or to construct a localized view of the chain's history.
  3. Data Validation:
    Validators and node operators can use this method to cross-check and validate their local chain's state against the broader network.

Request Parameters

The getBlockHashes method supports several optional parameters:

  • chainId (string, required):
    The unique identifier of the Tezos chain for which block hashes are being requested.

  • length (uint, optional):
    The number of predecessor blocks to return.

  • head (block_hash, optional):
    An empty argument requests blocks starting from the current head. Specifying block hashes allows fetching specific fragments of the chain.

  • minDate (date, optional):
    Blocks with a timestamp before this date will be filtered out. If length is also provided, up to that number of predecessors will be returned regardless of their date.

Return Object

The getBlockHashes method returns an array of block hashes included in the specified chain:

  • An array of block hashes, sorted by decreasing fitness.

(Note: The exact fields in the return object might vary based on the Tezos blockchain's implementation and version.)