

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum
import { TatumSDK, Xrp, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = (await TatumSDK.init) < Xrp > { network: Network.XRP }

const tx = {
  TransactionType: 'Payment',
  Account: 'rBPAQmwMrt7FDDPNyjwFgwSqbWZPf6GieV',
  Destination: 'rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY',
  Amount: '2000000',
  Flags: 2147483648,

const res = await tatum.rpc.submit(tx, {
  secret: 's████████████████████████████',

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


The submit method is an RPC method in the XRP Ledger which is used to apply a transaction and send it to the network for confirmation and inclusion in future ledgers. It has two modes: Submit-only mode, where a signed and serialized transaction is submitted as-is, and Sign-and-submit mode, where a JSON-formatted transaction object is completed, signed, and then submitted. It is generally recommended to use the Submit-only mode for robustness.

Use cases for this method include submitting transactions to the XRP ledger, such as sending payments, managing trust lines, or deploying smart contracts.


The submit method takes the following parameters:

  • tx (required): A string or JSON object representing the transaction to be submitted. This can be a hex representation of the signed transaction or a transaction definition in JSON format.
  • options (optional): An object containing additional parameters. These can include:
    • secret (optional): The secret seed of the account.
    • seed (optional): The secret seed of the account in the XRP Ledger's base58 format.
    • seedHex (optional): The secret seed of the account in the hexadecimal format.
    • passphrase (optional): The secret seed of the account as the string passphrase.
    • keyType (optional): The signing algorithm of the cryptographic key pair provided (secp256k1 or ed25519).
    • failHard (optional): If true, and the transaction fails locally, do not retry or relay the transaction to other servers.
    • offline (optional): If true, when constructing the transaction, do not try to automatically fill in or validate values.
    • buildPath (optional): If true, the server auto-fills the Paths field of a Payment transaction before signing.
    • feeMultMax (optional): Sign-and-submit fails with the error rpcHIGH_FEE if the auto-filled Fee value would be greater than the reference transaction cost × feeMultMax ÷ feeDivMax.
    • feeDivMax (optional): Sign-and-submit fails with the error rpcHIGH_FEE if the auto-filled Fee value would be greater than the reference transaction cost × feeMultMax ÷ feeDivMax.

Return Object

The submit method returns an object that provides information about the result of the submitted transaction. The object contains the following fields:

  • engine_result: A string that represents a code indicating the preliminary result of the transaction, for example, "tesSUCCESS".
  • engine_result_code: An integer that represents a numeric version of the result code. This is directly correlated to the engine_result.
  • engine_result_message: A string that represents a human-readable explanation of the transaction's preliminary result.
  • tx_blob: A string that represents the complete transaction in hexadecimal string format.
  • tx_json: An object that represents the complete transaction in JSON format.
  • accepted: A boolean value that indicates whether the transaction was accepted. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • account_sequence_available: A number indicating the next Sequence Number available for the sending account after all pending and queued transactions. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • account_sequence_next: A number indicating the next Sequence Number for the sending account after all transactions that have been provisionally applied, but not transactions in the queue. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • applied: A boolean value indicating whether the transaction was applied to the open ledger. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • broadcast: A boolean value indicating whether the transaction was broadcast to peer servers in the peer-to-peer XRP Ledger network. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • kept: A boolean value indicating whether the transaction was kept to be retried later. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • queued: A boolean value indicating whether the transaction was put in the Transaction Queue. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • open_ledger_cost: A string indicating the current open ledger cost before processing this transaction. Transactions with a lower cost are likely to be queued. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.
  • validated_ledger_index: An integer indicating the ledger index of the newest validated ledger at the time of submission. This field is omitted in sign-and-submit mode.

JSON-RPC Request Example - Submit Only

  "method": "submit",
  "params": [
      "tx_blob": "1200002280000000240000000361D4838D7EA4C6800000000000000000000000000055534400000000004B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA968400000000000000A732103AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB74473045022100D184EB4AE5956FF600E7536EE459345C7BBCF097A84CC61A93B9AF7197EDB98702201CEA8009B7BEEBAA2AACC0359B41C427C1C5B550A4CA4B80CF2174AF2D6D5DCE81144B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA983143E9D4A2B8AA0780F682D136F7A56D6724EF53754"

JSON-RPC Request Example - Submit Only

  "method": "submit",
  "params": [
      "offline": false,
      "secret": "s████████████████████████████",
      "tx_json": {
        "Account": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
        "Amount": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "issuer": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
          "value": "1"
        "Destination": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
        "TransactionType": "Payment"
      "fee_mult_max": 1000

JSON-RPC Response Example

  "result": {
    "accepted": true,
    "account_sequence_available": 362,
    "account_sequence_next": 362,
    "applied": true,
    "broadcast": true,
    "engine_result": "tesSUCCESS",
    "engine_result_code": 0,
    "engine_result_message": "The transaction was applied. Only final in a validated ledger.",
    "status": "success",
    "kept": true,
    "open_ledger_cost": "10",
    "queued": false,
    "tx_blob": "1200002280000000240000016961D4838D7EA4C6800000000000000000000000000055534400000000004B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA9684000000000002710732103AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB74473045022100A7CCD11455E47547FF617D5BFC15D120D9053DFD0536B044F10CA3631CD609E502203B61DEE4AC027C5743A1B56AF568D1E2B8E79BB9E9E14744AC87F38375C3C2F181144B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA983143E9D4A2B8AA0780F682D136F7A56D6724EF53754",
    "tx_json": {
      "Account": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "Amount": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "issuer": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
        "value": "1"
      "Destination": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
      "Fee": "10000",
      "Flags": 2147483648,
      "Sequence": 361,
      "SigningPubKey": "03AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB",
      "TransactionType": "Payment",
      "TxnSignature": "3045022100A7CCD11455E47547FF617D5BFC15D120D9053DFD0536B044F10CA3631CD609E502203B61DEE4AC027C5743A1B56AF568D1E2B8E79BB9E9E14744AC87F38375C3C2F1",
      "hash": "5B31A7518DC304D5327B4887CD1F7DC2C38D5F684170097020C7C9758B973847"
  "validated_ledger_index": 21184416