
Tron RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Tron, Network, AccountIdentifier, BlockIdentifier, VisibleOption } from '@tatumio/tatum'
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Tron>({ network: Network.TRON })

const accountIdentifier: AccountIdentifier = {
  address: 'TLLM21wteSPs4hKjbxgmH1L6poyMjeTbHm',

const blockIdentifier: BlockIdentifier = {
  hash: '0000000000010c4a732d1e215e87466271e425c86945783c3d3f122bfa5affd9',
  number: new BigNumber(68682),

const res = await tatum.rpc.getAccountBalance(accountIdentifier, blockIdentifier, {
  visible: true,

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


The getAccountBalance method is used to retrieve an account's balance at a specific block on the TRON network. This is particularly useful when you need to audit the state of an account at a particular point in time or to verify a transaction's execution result against the blockchain state at a given block.


  • accountIdentifier (AccountIdentifier): An object that represents the account identifier which includes:
    • address (string): The account address.
  • blockIdentifier (BlockIdentifier): An object that represents the block identifier which includes:
    • hash (string): The block hash.
    • number (number): The block number.
  • options (object, optional): This optional parameter contains the following properties:
    • visible (boolean, optional): Optional parameter to specify whether the address is in base58 format.

Return Object

The method returns a JSON object that contains the following properties:

  • balance (integer): The balance of the account.
  • blockIdentifier.hash (string): The block hash.
  • blockIdentifier.number (integer): The block number.

HTTP Request Example

  "accountIdentifier": {
    "address": "TLLM21wteSPs4hKjbxgmH1L6poyMjeTbHm"
  "blockIdentifier": {
    "hash": "0000000000010c4a732d1e215e87466271e425c86945783c3d3f122bfa5affd9",
    "number": 68682
  "visible": true

HTTP Response ExampleThe response will be a JSON object representing the balance and block information:

  "balance": 100000,
  "blockIdentifier": {
    "hash": "0000000000010c4a732d1e215e87466271e425c86945783c3d3f122bfa5affd9",
    "number": 68682