
Tron RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

Use the Tatum SDK to access the TRON network as follows:

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Tron, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Tron>({ network: Network.TRON })

const res = await tatum.rpc.getPaginatedAssetIssueList(0, 20)

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


  • assetIssue: (array)
    • id: (integer) token ID
    • owner_address: (string) issuer address
    • name: (string) token name
    • abbr: (string) token abbreviation
    • total_supply: (integer) total supply
    • frozen_supply: (Array) The number of tokens to be frozen is specified by the issuer of the token when it is issued
    • trx_num: (integer) Define the price by the ratio of trx_num/num(The unit of 'trx_num' is SUN)
    • precision: (integer) precision
    • num: (integer) Define the price by the ratio of trx_num/num(The unit of 'trx_num' is SUN)
    • start_time: (integer) ICO start time
    • end_time: (integer) ICO end time
    • description: (string) token description
    • url: (string) Token official website url, default hexString
    • free_asset_net_limit: (integer) Token free asset net limit
    • public_free_asset_net_limit: (integer) Token public free asset net limit for a account
    • public_free_asset_net_usage: (integer) The total number of token free bandwidth used by all token owner
    • public_latest_free_net_time: (integer) The timestamp of the last consumption of this token's free bandwidth


  1. offset (integer) - The index of the start token. This parameter allows you to specify the starting point in the list of tokens.
  2. limit (integer) - The amount of tokens per page. This parameter allows you to limit the number of tokens returned in a single request.

Return Object

This method returns a promise that resolves to an array of AssetIssueCapsule objects. Each AssetIssueCapsule object represents a TRC10 token and includes detailed fields as described in the GetAssetIssueByAccount method.

HTTP Request Example

A typical HTTP request using this method looks like this:

  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 20

HTTP Response Example

  "assetIssue": [
      "owner_address": "41f3642e1824d654fed5e71f850fd82d24ed8545ed",
      "name": "2e6874616363657373",
      "abbr": "74657374",
      "total_supply": 1000000000,
      "trx_num": 1,
      "precision": 6,
      "num": 1,
      "start_time": 1629878133455,
      "end_time": 1629978123454,
      "description": "74657374",
      "url": "68747470733a2f2f73757065726d61747269782e696f",
      "id": "1000942"
      "owner_address": "411fafb1e96dfe4f609e2259bfaf8c77b60c535b93",
      "name": "303734363537333734",
      "abbr": "36353738363136643730366336353631363236323732",
      "total_supply": 100000000,
      "frozen_supply": [
          "frozen_amount": 1,
          "frozen_days": 2
      "trx_num": 1,
      "num": 1,
      "start_time": 1576684800000,
      "end_time": 1576728000000,
      "description": "3635373836313664373036633635323036343635373336333732363937303734363936663665",
      "url": "373737373737326536353738363136643730366336353265363336663664",
      "free_asset_net_limit": 10000,
      "public_free_asset_net_limit": 10000,
      "id": "1000030"
      "owner_address": "414f10065476e61054dad85d1c9a32cf429a6bc8cd",
      "name": "3077426974636f696e",
      "abbr": "57425443",
      "total_supply": 100000000000000,
      "trx_num": 6000000,
      "precision": 4,
      "num": 10000,
      "start_time": 1609023600000,
      "end_time": 1609110000000,
      "description": "426974636f696e20546f6b656e",
      "url": "68747470733a2f2f7368617374612e74726f6e7363616e2e6f72672f232f",
      "id": "1000507"