

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use It

// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Xrp, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Xrp>({ network: Network.XRP })

const res = await tatum.rpc.accountTx('rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w', {
  ledgerIndexMin: -1,
  ledgerIndexMax: -1,
  binary: false,
  forward: false,

await tatum.destroy() // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs


The account_tx method is a part of the XRP Ledger's RPC API, allowing you to retrieve a list of transactions that involve a specified account. This method is useful when you need to track and analyze transactions related to a particular account, which can be necessary for various operations such as auditing, debugging or just for general monitoring purposes.


The accountTx method accepts the following parameters:

  • account: A unique identifier for the account, most commonly the account's address.
  • ledgerIndexMin: (Optional) Use to specify the earliest ledger to include transactions from. A value of -1 instructs the server to use the earliest validated ledger version available.
  • ledgerIndexMax: (Optional) Use to specify the most recent ledger to include transactions from. A value of -1 instructs the server to use the most recent validated ledger version available.
  • binary: (Optional) Defaults to false. If set to true, returns transactions as hex strings instead of JSON.
  • forward: (Optional) Defaults to false. If set to true, returns values indexed with the oldest ledger first. Otherwise, the results are indexed with the newest ledger first.

Return Object

The response object includes the following fields:

  • account: Unique Address identifying the related account.
  • ledger_index_min: The ledger index of the earliest ledger actually searched for transactions.
  • ledger_index_max: The ledger index of the most recent ledger actually searched for transactions.
  • limit: The limit value used in the request.
  • marker: Server-defined value indicating the response is paginated.
  • transactions: Array of transactions matching the request's criteria.
  • validated: If included and set to true, the information in this response comes from a validated ledger version.

Each transaction object includes the following fields:

  • ledger_index: The ledger index of the ledger version that included this transaction.
  • meta: If binary is True, then this is a hex string of the transaction metadata. Otherwise, the transaction metadata is included in JSON format.
  • tx: (JSON mode only) JSON object defining the transaction.
  • validated: Whether or not the transaction is included in a validated ledger.

JSON-RPC Request Example

  "method": "account_tx",
  "params": [
      "account": "rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w",
      "binary": false,
      "forward": false,
      "ledger_index_max": -1,
      "ledger_index_min": -1,
      "limit": 2

JSON-RPC Response Example

  "result": {
    "account": "rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w",
    "ledger_index_max": 57112019,
    "ledger_index_min": 56248229,
    "limit": 2,
    "marker": {
      "ledger": 57112007,
      "seq": 13
    "status": "success",
    "transactions": [
        "meta": {
          "AffectedNodes": [
              "ModifiedNode": {
                "FinalFields": {
                  "Account": "rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w",
                  "Balance": "3732290013101",
                  "Flags": 131072,
                  "OwnerCount": 0,
                  "Sequence": 702820
                "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                "LedgerIndex": "140FA03FE8C39540CA8189BC7A7956795C712BC0A542C6409C041150703C8574",
                "PreviousFields": {
                  "Balance": "3732745656171",
                  "Sequence": 702819
                "PreviousTxnID": "7C031FD5B710E3C048EEF31254089BEEC505900BCC9A842257A0319453333998",
                "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 57112010
              "ModifiedNode": {
                "FinalFields": {
                  "Account": "raLPjTYeGezfdb6crXZzcC8RkLBEwbBHJ5",
                  "Balance": "4231510602153",
                  "Flags": 0,
                  "OwnerCount": 0,
                  "Sequence": 96486
                "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                "LedgerIndex": "39DC5D448DECEFC3CD20818788E3DA891CA943935E8D7B12FCB5B5871FCB1638",
                "PreviousFields": {
                  "Balance": "4231054959123"
                "PreviousTxnID": "33D2014C832610293730028CA37857AC183BFCE3E42B9979C491FB8B82B3E9DC",
                "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 57112004
          "TransactionIndex": 12,
          "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS",
          "delivered_amount": "455643030"
        "tx": {
          "Account": "rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w",
          "Amount": "455643030",
          "Destination": "raLPjTYeGezfdb6crXZzcC8RkLBEwbBHJ5",
          "DestinationTag": 18240312,
          "Fee": "40",
          "Flags": 2147483648,
          "LastLedgerSequence": 57112037,
          "Sequence": 702819,
          "SigningPubKey": "020A46D8D02AC780C59853ACA309EAA92E7D8E02DD72A0B6AC315A7D18A6C3276A",
          "TransactionType": "Payment",
          "TxnSignature": "30450221008602B2E390C0C7B65182C6DBC86292052C1961B2BEFB79C2C8431722C0ADB911022024B74DCF910A4C8C95572CF662EB7F5FF67E1AC4D7B9B7BFE2A8EE851EC16576",
          "date": 649200322,
          "hash": "08EF5BDA2825D7A28099219621CDBECCDECB828FEA202DEB6C7ACD5222D36C2C",
          "inLedger": 57112015,
          "ledger_index": 57112015
        "validated": true
        "meta": {
          "AffectedNodes": [
              "ModifiedNode": {
                "FinalFields": {
                  "Account": "rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w",
                  "Balance": "3732745656171",
                  "Flags": 131072,
                  "OwnerCount": 0,
                  "Sequence": 702819
                "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                "LedgerIndex": "140FA03FE8C39540CA8189BC7A7956795C712BC0A542C6409C041150703C8574",
                "PreviousFields": {
                  "Balance": "3732246155784"
                "PreviousTxnID": "CCBCCB528F602007C937C496F0828C118E073DF180084CCD3646EC1E414844E4",
                "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 57112007
              "ModifiedNode": {
                "FinalFields": {
                  "Account": "rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg",
                  "Balance": "236476361",
                  "Flags": 131072,
                  "OwnerCount": 0,
                  "Sequence": 466335
                "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                "LedgerIndex": "CC20FEBEA6D2AF969EC46F2BD92684D9FBABC3F238E841B5E056FE4EBF4379A9",
                "PreviousFields": {
                  "Balance": "735976788",
                  "Sequence": 466334
                "PreviousTxnID": "C528B32DD588EFAE2FE833E8AA92E6AE2DF2C8DB3DB8C6C4F334AD37B253D72A",
                "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 57112010
          "TransactionIndex": 33,
          "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS",
          "delivered_amount": "499500387"
        "tx": {
          "Account": "rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg",
          "Amount": "499500387",
          "Destination": "rLNaPoKeeBjZe2qs6x52yVPZpZ8td4dc6w",
          "DestinationTag": 1,
          "Fee": "40",
          "Flags": 2147483648,
          "LastLedgerSequence": 57112032,
          "Sequence": 466334,
          "SigningPubKey": "0381575032E254BF4D699C3D8D6EFDB63B3A71F97475C6F6885BC7DAEEE55D9A01",
          "TransactionType": "Payment",
          "TxnSignature": "3045022100C7EA1701FE48C75508EEBADBC9864CD3FFEDCEB48AB99AEA960BFA360AE163ED0220453C9577502924C9E1A9A450D4B950A44016813BC70E1F16A65A402528D730B7",
          "date": 649200302,
          "hash": "7C031FD5B710E3C048EEF31254089BEEC505900BCC9A842257A0319453333998",
          "inLedger": 57112010,
          "ledger_index": 57112010
        "validated": true
    "validated": true