10 credits per API call
Get information about blocks (when they were added, how many NFTs and events were ingested and list of transaction hashes that were processed within them) on the following blockchains:
- Celo - celo / celo-testnet
- Ethereum - ethereum / ethereum-sepolia / ethereum-holesky
- BNB (Binance) Smart Chain - bsc / bsc-testnet
- Polygon - polygon
- Chiliz - chiliz-mainnet
To get started, provide a chain and specify one of the filters listed below (combination of these filters is not allowed):
- List of block numbers separated by comma
- Range of block numbers
- Date range when blocks were processed
- When you are filtering data using blockFrom and not using blockTo, blockTo is automatically added as blockFrom + 1000. The same applies when blockTo is present and blockFrom is not. In that case blockFrom is automatically added as blockTo - 1000.