
Stellar RPC

Archive Method

Only on the full archive nodes. Complex queries might take longer and incur additional cost

How to use it

// Import required libraries and modules from Tatum SDK
import { TatumSDK, Stellar, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

// Initialize the Tatum SDK for Stellar
const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Stellar>({ network: Network.STELLAR })

// Define parameters (Replace placeholders with actual values and remove redundant)
const params = {
  sellingAssetType: 'SELLING_ASSET_TYPE',
  sellingAssetIssuer: 'SELLING_ASSET_ISSUER',
  sellingAssetCode: 'SELLING_ASSET_CODE',
  buyingAssetType: 'BUYING_ASSET_TYPE',
  buyingAssetIssuer: 'BUYING_ASSET_ISSUER',
  buyingAssetCode: 'BUYING_ASSET_CODE',
  limit: 10,

// Retrieve an order book
const orderBook = await tatum.rpc.getOrderBook(params)

// Always destroy the Tatum SDK instance when done to stop any background processes
await tatum.destroy()


The getOrderBook method allows you to retrieve an order book for a specific trading pair on the Stellar blockchain. The order book provides information about the current bids and asks for the specified assets.

Example use cases:

  1. Order Book Data Retrieval:
    Developers and applications can use this method to retrieve order book data for trading pairs on the Stellar network.

  2. Trading Pair Analysis:
    Traders and investors can analyze the current order book to make informed decisions about buying or selling assets.

  3. Streaming Order Book:
    Users can use streaming mode to listen for updates to the order book in real-time.

Request Parameters

The getOrderBook method accepts a single params object with the following properties:

  • sellingAssetType (string, required):
    The asset type of the selling asset (e.g., "native" or "credit_alphanum4" or "credit_alphanum12").

  • sellingAssetIssuer (string, optional):
    The issuer account of the selling asset (required if the selling asset type is not "native").

  • sellingAssetCode (string, optional):
    The asset code of the selling asset (required if the selling asset type is not "native").

  • buyingAssetType (string, required):
    The asset type of the buying asset (e.g., "native" or "credit_alphanum4" or "credit_alphanum12").

  • buyingAssetIssuer (string, optional):
    The issuer account of the buying asset (required if the buying asset type is not "native").

  • buyingAssetCode (string, optional):
    The asset code of the buying asset (required if the buying asset type is not "native").

  • limit (number, optional):
    An optional parameter to specify the maximum number of bids and asks to return. The limit can range from 1 to 200.

Return Object

The getOrderBook method returns an order book for the specified trading pair on the Stellar blockchain. The order book includes a list of bids (buy orders) and asks (sell orders) with details such as price and quantity.

(Note: The exact fields in the return object might vary based on the Stellar blockchain's implementation and version.)

  "bids": [
      "price_r": {
        "n": "10000000",
        "d": "139999999"
      "price": "0.0714286",
      "amount": "24.9999990"
      "price_r": {
        "n": "1",
        "d": "14"
      "price": "0.0714286",
      "amount": "188.0000000"
      "price_r": {
        "n": "1",
        "d": "15"
      "price": "0.0666667",
      "amount": "230.3200000"
      "price_r": {
        "n": "1",
        "d": "16"
      "price": "0.0625000",
      "amount": "50.0000000"
  "asks": [
      "price_r": {
        "n": "5000000",
        "d": "62500001"
      "price": "0.0800000",
      "amount": "4.9400001"
      "price_r": {
        "n": "10000000",
        "d": "125000001"
      "price": "0.0800000",
      "amount": "2516.5154327"
      "price_r": {
        "n": "2",
        "d": "25"
      "price": "0.0800000",
      "amount": "3125.0000000"
      "price_r": {
        "n": "4",
        "d": "49"
      "price": "0.0816327",
      "amount": "4593.7500000"
  "base": {
    "asset_type": "native"
  "counter": {
    "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
    "asset_code": "BB1",