
Ethereum RPC


The getStateCommittees endpoint allows you to retrieve information about committees associated with a specific Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain state.

Example use cases:

  1. Committee Analysis: Researchers and validators can use this endpoint to analyze committees for a specific state, including validator indices and shard assignments.
  2. Validator Operations: Validators may need to retrieve committee information to participate in shard or crosslink proposals.


state_idstringYesThe state identifier. It can be one of: head (canonical head in node's view), genesis, finalized, justified, slot and stateRoot (hex encoded stateRoot with 0x prefix)
epochstringNoFetch committees for the given epoch. If not present, the committees for the epoch of the state will be obtained.
indexstringNoRestrict returned values to those matching the supplied committee index.
slotstringNoRestrict returned values to those matching the supplied slot.


  • execution_optimistic (boolean): true if the response references an unverified execution payload. Optimistic information may be invalidated at a later time. If the field is not present, assume the false value.
  • finalized (boolean): If the response mentions the chain's final history picked by forks, it's true. Without the field, more calls are needed to compare the requested epoch with the final checkpoint.
  • data (object array): The data array contains information about committees. Each committee object in the array includes details related to the committee index, slot, and an array of validators assigned to attest at a specific slot with the same committee index.
    • index (string): The committee index at a slot
    • slot (string): The slot
    • validators (object array): The list of validator indices assigned to this committee

Request Example

// Import necessary libraries and modules
import { TatumSDK, Ethereum, Network } from '@tatumio/tatum'

// Initialize the Tatum SDK with Ethereum-specific parameters
const tatum = (await TatumSDK.init) < Ethereum > { network: Network.ETHEREUM }

// Define the parameters object
const params = {
  stateId: 'your-state-id', // Replace with the actual state ID you want to use
  epoch: '1', // Optional: Fetch committees for a specific epoch
  index: '1', // Optional: Restrict returned values to a specific committee index
  slot: '1', // Optional: Restrict returned values to a specific slot

// Retrieve committees information using the getStateCommittees method
const committees = await tatum.rpc.beacon.v1.getStateCommittees(params)

// Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs
await tatum.destroy()