
Faster Response Times of Data APIs 🏎️

We are excited to announce several significant improvements to our Data API. These updates have been implemented to enhance performance and reliability across various endpoints. Below is a detailed comparison of response times between the old and new solutions:

Endpoint Performance Comparison

EndpointAvg. Response Time - Old Solution (ms)Avg. Response Time - New Solution (ms)Diff. (ms)Diff. (%)
Get tokens from collection7.797.73-0.06-2.7%
Get owners806-74-92.5%
Get tx by hash3313-20-60.61%
Get tx by contractAddress24,700127-24,573-99.49%
Get tx by address28,700326-28,374-98.86%
Get tx by block120,00055-119,945-99.95%
Get blocks8060-20-25%
Get events400410+10+2.5%
Get balance11015-95-86.36%

Note: We continue to monitor our internal services and are constantly improving the response times further more, expect another announcement soon. 😎


Dramatic Reductions in Response Times: Most endpoints have seen substantial improvements, with some, like GetTxByContractAddress and GetTxByBlock, experiencing reductions of over 99%, leading to much faster data retrieval.
Optimized GetOwners Endpoint: This endpoint now performs 92.5% faster, significantly improving efficiency.
Enhanced Balance Retrieval: The GetBalance endpoint is now 86.36% faster, enabling quicker access to balance information.