
Updates to Credit Usage for Anonymous and Free Users

We’re taking extra steps to ensure that the Tatum platform is as secure and reliable as it can possibly be. As part of this mission, and to ensure fair usage of our platform so that every developer can build reliably without service interruptions, we have updated our free plan limits to 1M credits per month.

All free API key users have been automatically assigned new API keys that you can find in the dashboard.


Old Free API keys will continue working until July 1st, but we recommend updating them now to avoid service interruptions.

What you now get in your free account:

  1. Advanced analytics and a clear overview of your credit usage to date.
  2. RPC nodes that far exceed industry benchmarks for speed
  3. Updated credit limits to 1M credits per month. See all Tatum plans to extend it.

Anonymous users are limited to 10,000 credits per month.

More information about our different plans, their included credits and rate limits can be found in Plans & Limits.